The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium Series) - Martin Wenner, Stieg Larsson



Lisbeth Salander gets under the skin of her targets like no-one else. Those who underestimate her live to regret it. If they are lucky....

Mikael Blomkvist-disgraced journalist, womanizer-is everything she ought to hate. But when she is hired by a security firm to investigate him, her report on his life reveals an integrity that fascinates her.

Then she discovers that Blomkvist, himself a brilliant investigator, is cracking open the cold case of a missing girl-uncovering secrets that have poisoned a family through generations.

And only one thing gives Salander greater satisfaction than exposing a liar:stopping a killer.





The original Swedish title of this book is Men Who Hate Women. That's basically the book summed up in four words. It suits this story much better than the catchier The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, because it is in fact about men doing all kinds of horrid things to women. So here is the first warning to you, if you can't handle violence against women and children well, skip this novel. 


Normally I'm a person who reads the book before watching the movie adaption. But there does come a time when that isn't so, and this is one of them. Actually to be honest, before I saw the movie I did attempt to read the book but I put it down after reading the first chapter. I couldn't understand what was going on because they kept on telling you about the present then all of a sudden talking about a past event. 

Watching the movie and getting a good idea on what was going on, actually helped me begin the book again. 

So on that note, even though I knew the layout, I still was on the edge of my seat wondering what will happen to these characters.

I would also be giving you guys a review on the 2011 film adaptation, which stars Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara.


It's hard to give a short synopsis of the book, as it's long and detailed in every aspect. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo starts off as an investigation of a 40-year old disappearance of a teenage heiress, but gradually morphs into a tale of serial murder and corporate trickery spanning several continents and later takes in complicated international financial fraud and the buried evil past of a wealthy Swedish industrial family.

Actually just read the blurb, that gives you a better understanding then my miserable attempt.


I found this book extremely engaging and full of action, there rarely was a dull moment. I also enjoyed the immense details about everything, from corporate crime to a twisted Swedish family. A nail biting read that never stopped even when the murderer was identified.


The only problem I had with this book was the writing style. Not sure if it's because of the translation, but I found it a bit poor. I can't think of the right word for it, it was basically not a well written book even though I really loved the story. And because I can't read the book in it's original language, I don't know if it's the same or translation.


Throughout the book, which is in four parts, you get a little statistic knowledge of Sweden's violence against women. I found this disgusting and miserable. I don't think Stieg Larsson was on the board of tourism when he wrote this, because it didn't make me want to get on a plane and fly to Sweden.

Here are the four statistics dated in approx 2003:


1. 18% of the women in Sweden have at one time been threatened by a man

2. 46% of women in Sweden have been subjected to violence by a man

3. 13% of the women in Sweden have been subjected to aggravated sexual assault outside of a sexual relationship

4. 92% of women in Sweden who have been subjected to sexual assault have not reported the most recent violent incident to the police


I shouldn't be pointing the finger at Sweden and making assumptions because to be honest, in my opinion, I think those facts apply to the rest of the world.


This however didn't spoil my reading experience. I am eager to start reading The Girl Who Played with Fire and see what Mikael and Lisbeth are up to next. Hopefully, no more rapes and violence against women (and men too).